Monday, February 28, 2011

New York Art Fairs

Join me in NYC the first week of March for all the art fairs!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Art LA Contemporary: Jennifer Catron and Paul Outlaw

The interesting thing about this duo was that they set up a diorama in their exhibit space and were posing as if they were living paintings. Fun.

This photo borrowed from:

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Art LA Contemporary: Liz Craft

What an appropriate name I thought when I saw Craft's pieces. It looks like large-scale kiddie craft-time except that she uses steel mesh panels to create her fun, kitschy, nostalgic projects.

Art LA Contemporary: Alexander Wolff

I actually got to speak with German artist Alexander Wolff about his fabric pieces. He was saying how sometimes the fabric doesnt get dyed evenly but I think that's what gives each strip texture and interest. These remind me a lot of Louise Bourgeois' fabric works.

This art fair happens every January in Los Angeles. Try to catch it next year or go to New York in March for all the NY art fairs.