Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dave Muller

I've browsed through several articles about Muller. However they didn't really inform what I saw at Blum & Poe this past weekend (except the fact that he is a music-lover.)
So instead of trying to talk about the work, I'm just gonna say the first thing that comes to mind when I see an image:

colorful noodles

dancing paper shredder

nature and chaos


mmm... i dont know

uni with noodles 
D. Muller is at Blum & Poe until April 4th.

Melissa Manfull

M. Manfull's ink on paper drawings remind me of scenes from a sci-fi novel.  They are a blend of fantasy architectural structures and organic washes of color.   They are very, very pretty but the obsessive details give me a headache. (Click on the photos for a close-up)

M. Manfull's show is at Taylor de Cordoba until March 28th.