Thursday, November 12, 2009

53rd Venice Biennale

The Venice Biennale is an international art event that happens every two years. Each country chooses an artist to represent it. ( This year the American choice was artist Bruce Nauman.) These are just some random photos and videos that I took in Venice...

53rd Venice Biennale: Daniel Medina

Daniel Medina is a Venezualan artist. Here is a link to his other works.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

53rd Venice Biennale: Anju Dodiya

Anju Dodiya is one of the better known contemporary Indian artists.

53rd Venice Biennale: Oyvind Fahlstrom

O. Fahlstrom's work combined childish puzzles and maps to create political pop art. Some of his pieces have an obsessive quality to them. (click to enlarge)

Dali Museum, Figueres

The Dali Museum in Figueres, Spain (his hometown) is a funny building with little bread sculptures decorating the exterior walls. It all has a slight Disneyland feel to it.

Of course everyone has seen the typical Dali paintings but this museum was great because you got to see a huge range of things that Dali did. I really loved his illustrations. (Click to enlarge)


There is a nice show of prints at the Barnsdall Art Park until January 3rd. Here are a few of my favorites.

Bitch is the New Black

"Bitch is the New Black" is a phrase that Tina Fey said in a skit on SNL during the 2008 presidential election. This show at Honor Fraser was curated around that sentiment, gathering female artists with an attitude.

Kathryn Andrews, "Liberty"

Bari Ziperstein, "Perfect Pitch"

Cathy Akers, "Pregnancy Pee"


David LaChapelle

"The Rape of Africa" is a large scaled 4x10 foot photograph that was 2 years in the making by artist D. LaChapelle. At the David DeSanctis Gallery, he spoke about one of the references for his photograph: "Venus and Mars" by Sandro Botticelli.

He also spoke about a portrait of Michael Jackson that he did after Jackson's death. He used a Michael Jackson impersonator and staged this photograph near his home in Maui. He then spent the next three weeks moving pixel by pixel recreating Jackson's face. LaChapelle thought that Jackson was a misunderstood "saint" in this lifetime. In this photograph, he portrays Jackson as archangel Michael defeating the devil.

This theme is also a classic image seen in these following images.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

LACMA:12 Contemporary Artists from Korea

Your Bright Future: 12 Contemporary Artists from Korea

LACMA asked 12 Korean artists to participate in a group show.  I assumed that they would all be from Korea but I was happy to learn that they were from all over the world.  One of the artists, Haegue Yang, was Korea's featured artist at this years Venice Biennale.  

This is part of her piece called  "Storage Piece."  On the day of the opening, it consisted of 2 piles of her wrapped and stored artwork- artwork that did not sell in previous shows.  As the show progresses, pieces will be unwrapped and displayed to be fully revealed on September 10th.  

 This piece called "Happy Happy" by Choi Jeong Hwa really did make the entrance a bright and happy place.

"Needle Woman" by Kimsooja  captures the reaction of passer-byers to an Asian woman in 6 different countries.  This video piece is a must-see.

Another worthwhile video...

There were a series of  life-sized animal costumed pieces with inscriptions saying that day laborers are being used right now for this piece implying that someone was inside the costumes.  I'll guess you'll have to poke them to find out...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Noah's Ark

Check out an inventive  recreation of Noah's Ark at the Skirball. It's an interactive exhibit/playground for children but it was fun for adults too.  

A keyboard for zebra hair...

Bathtub polar bear...

Fan-spring owl...

Macaroni hedgehog...

Key elk...

Rope elephant-notice the disco ball eyes...

Bamboo steamer trunk elephant...

Violin case crocodile...

Noah's Ark is permanently at the Skirball Cultural Center.